Privacy and Client Confidentiality 

Your privacy and confidentiality is assured and the following information outlines the data I will collect from you and how it will be used.

What data do I keep and why do I need it?

Name  –  this is basic information that helps me get to know you.

Email address and phone number – I use this as a way of contacting you regarding your sessions. I will mainly use the method you first contacted me on but if I cannot reach you, I will try a different method.

Session notes – I keep brief anonymous notes of our session(s), stored with only your initials.

Will I share your data and if I do, who will I share it with and for what purpose?

I will not share your data, sell it on or use it for unethical reasons. I may have to share it if my notes are subpoenaed by court, if you or anyone you tell me about is at harm or risk of harm I may have to pass this information on. 

How will I store your data?

It is mainly stored with your initials to my password protected computer. Your phone number(s) may be kept in my business mobile phone with your first name and last initial. Only I will access your information.

How long will I store your data for and how will I dispose of it?

I will keep our session notes with your initials for 2 years.

I will delete your phone number out of my mobile phone 1 year after our work finishes. 


Please note that the reading of this statement is considered as your consent. If you do not agree with these terms or you wish to discuss further, please contact me immediately.


Contact details

Telephone number: +44 121 726 4776.


Updated 3 March 2022

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