Services and Prices

Spiritual Healing, Therapy and Spiritual Guidance

Tarot Card Readings

Psychic Reading for Clarity, Confidence and Peace of Mind

Gain answers to your questions and explore your life choices, relationships and career path. Look into your future including a detailed 12 month spread into the year ahead.

Please allow an hour for your Reading, you will also receive an audio recording of your Reading for you to keep. 

The cost is £50

Call 0121 769 1869

or email Bryony to book.

Spiritual Counselling

Private, one-to-one counselling, mentoring and guidance to help you to make sense of your spiritual experiences, overcome uncertainties and explore the next steps on your journey of awakening.   

Cost: £50

Spiritual Awakening

A gentle awakening of your spirituality and intuition. You can expect to experience your non-physical senses, activate your psychic abilities and connect to the loving presence of your Spirit Guides.

Cost £120

This Life Healing Therapy

Uncover what ever may be standing between you and your happy, prospering self using the energy and wisdom of your subconscious mind. You can expect to resolve and release childhood issues and past traumas, and get back on track as the amazing human being you were born to be.

Cost £260

Spirit Guides

Your Spirit Guides are always with you, helping you to navigate this life. Connect with your Guides in this beautiful encounter, so that you can meet them in person, connect with them and receive their loving guidance and advice.

Cost £120

Past Life Regression

Discover who you were, how you lived and with whom. A vivid experience of your eternal self, to help resolve unanswered questions and recover a sense of purpose, relevance and continuation in your current life. 

Cost £120 - £150

Twin Flames, Love and Relationships

Activate your Twin Flame energy and release any blocks around love, to help you to attract your soulmate or to create a deeper connection with your partner. 

Cost £160

Here, In Spirit

A personal encounter with your loved one in spirit so you can see, hear and feel them once again. Ask questions, receive their replies and experience first hand the peace and joy of knowing they are still with you.

Cost £120

Ancestral Healing

Transform patterns of limiting beliefs that have been passed down through your family line, and release ancestral wounds, so that you can strengthen the blessings of your forebears and reclaim the positive spirit of family.

Cost £120

Future Progression

Follow your timeline into your future to discover what lies in store for you and where your current life choices will lead, so  you can feel more confident in your now and more able to make positive, informed decisions.

 Cost £120

Abundance and Wealth Wiring

Shift into an energy of lasting abundance by releasing any blocks to wealth,  and reset your vibration to help you to attract prosperity into your life.

Cost £150

Soul Retrieval

A gentle retrieval of 'vital essence' or parts of the soul, which have been fragmented or lost along the way. You can expect to regain a sense of wholeness and connection, as you retrieve soul parts that have been knowingly or unknowingly lost, given or taken in this and past life experiences.

Cost £120

Life Between Lives 

Discover your soul’s purpose in your present life and find direct answers to your questions about your present or past lifetimes.  You can expect to receive help from your spirit guides and gain the confidence to meet the challenges and opportunities that you face in your present life.

Cost £220

Parallel Life

Discover the 'you' who is living a parallel life. This is a vivid experience of your multi dimensional self, to help resolve unanswered questions, gain understanding around the choices you've made in your life and embody new skills and wisdom. 

Cost £120

Psychic Reading

Whether you are at a cross roads in your life, suffering a loss or disappointment or simply looking to take a step back and see the bigger picture, this one hour reading will help restore your confidence and trust in your own unique path so you can explore  your way forward with clarity and optimism. 

Cost £50

Where is your soul calling?

All of these healing and therapy interventions are intuitively guided, and each session will be uniquely tailored to you.

Why not get in touch and let me know what your soul is calling for?

"After just one session with Bryony, the fog lifted. I feel empowered and I'm now moving forward in all aspects of my life." 

Carly, East Midlands UK


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